8th anniv. of Ethiopia’s liberation
Somalia is incorporated into Ethiopia
Federation of Eritrea and Ethiopia (65c)
Conf. Of independent African states (10c)
Conf. Of independent African states (20c)
Conf. Of independent African states (30c)
20th anniv of liberation (20c)
20th anniv of liberation (30c)
20th anniv of liberation ($1)
Malaria eradication (15c)
Malaria eradication (30c)
Malaria eradication (60c)
2nd anniv of Ethiopian U.N forces in Congo (15c)
2nd anniv of Ethiopian U.N forces in Congo (50c)
2nd anniv of Ethiopian U.N forces in Congo (60c)
10th anniv of telecomm. Board
50 years of leadership (10c)
50 years of leadership (15c)
50 years of leadership (40c)
20th anniv of UNESCO (15c)
20th anniv of UNESCO (60c)
50th anniv of railway completion (15c)
50th anniv of railway completion (30c)
50th anniv of railway completion (50c)
75th anniv of Ethipian telecomm.
80th Birthday of Emperor Haile Selassie
Organization of African Unity
Campaign against cattle plague
1st anniv of socialist gov. (5c)
1st anniv of socialist gov. (10c)
1st anniv of socialist gov. (25c)
1st anniv of socialist gov. (50c)
1st anniv of socialist gov. (90c)
Matches Monopoly Tax Revenue
30th anniv Etiopian Airlines (90c)
Development through co-operation (5c)
Development through co-operation (10c)
Development through co-operation (25c)
Development through co-operation (50c)
Development through co-operation (90c)
2nd anniv of republic (5c)
2nd anniv of republic (10c)
2nd anniv of republic (25c)
2nd anniv of republic (50c)
2nd anniv of republic (90c)
Relief and rehabilitation (5c)
Relief and rehabilitation (60c)
Inaug. Of trans-east African highway (10c)
Inaug. Of trans-east African highway (20c)
Inaug. Of trans-east African highway (40c)
Inaug. Of trans-east African highway (50c)
Inaug. Of trans-east African highway (60c)
3rd anniv of republic (10c)
3rd anniv of republic (25c)
3rd anniv of republic (60c)
3rd anniv of republic (80c)
60th anniv of Russian revolution (5c)
60th anniv of Russian revolution (10c)
60th anniv of Russian revolution (25c)
60th anniv of Russian revolution (50c)
60th anniv of Russian revolution (90c)
Call of the motherland (5c)
Call of the motherland (10c)
Call of the motherland (25c)
Call of the motherland (60c)
Call of the motherland (80c)
Football World Cup 1978, Argentina
Namibia - South West Africa
Namibia day (5c)
Namibia - South West Africa
Namibia day (10c)
Namibia - South West Africa
Namibia day (25c)
Namibia - South West Africa
Namibia day (60c)
Namibia - South West Africa
Namibia day (80c)
5th Anniversary of the Ethiopian Revolution
10th anniv of revolution (5c)
10th anniv of revolution (10c)
10th anniv of revolution (15c)
10th anniv of revolution (20c)
10th anniv of revolution (25c)
10th anniv of revolution (40c)
10th anniv of revolution (45c)
10th anniv of revolution (50c)
10th anniv of revolution (70c)
10th anniv of revolution (1b)
3.5 Million Year-old hominid skeleton "Lucy"
Ethiopian Airlines 40th anniv.
13th anniv of revolution (5c)
13th anniv of revolution (80c)
13th anniv of revolution (1b)
1st anniv of people's democratic republic
National, regional elections
Return of Axum obelisk from Italy (45c)
Return of Axum obelisk from Italy (3b)
Pan-African Tsetse & Trypanosomiasis Eradication Campaign
Inauguration of Addis Ababa-Djibouti Electrified Railway
125th anniversary Ethiopia Postal Service