Animal protection campaign (10s)
Animal protection campaign (15s)
Animal protection campaign (20s)
Animal protection campaign (50s)
Animal protection campaign (75s)
Animal protection campaign (1r)
Asian-African Journalist conf. (1r50)
Asian-African Journalist conf. (3r)
Acquisition of West Irian (1r50)
Acquisition of West Irian (4r50)
Acquisition of West Irian (6r)
Afro-Asian Islamic Conference
Afro-Asian Islamic Conference
The State's Five Principles
Musical instruments (50s)
Musical instruments (1r25)
Musical instruments (1r50)
Musical instruments (2r50)
Musical instruments (10r)
Musical instruments (12r)
Musical instruments (15r)
Musical instruments (20r)
Musical instruments (25r)
First England-Australia Flight
444th Anniversary of Djakarta
Inauguration of Domestic Satellite System
Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN)
Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN)
Singapore-Indonesia Submarine Cable
Singapore-Indonesia Submarine Cable
Search and Rescue Institute
Total solar eclipse (110r)
Total solar eclipse (275r)
Launch of Palapa B Communications Satellite
Cent. Of Krakatoa eruption
Introduction of new post code zones (110r)
Introduction of new post code zones (275r)
Indonesian-Dutch Marine Expedition
Five Year Development Plan
Thomas and Uber Cup Badminton Championships
Opening of Sea-Me-We Communications Cable
Opening of Sea-Me-We Communications Cable
Launch of Palapa B2 Communications Satellite
First Netherlands Indies Stamp
World Cup Football Championship
Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN)
National Satellite Communications Network
Return of Republican Government to Yogya
Pemilu - General election (700r)
Pemilu - General election (1000r)
Indonesia's 200,000,000th Citizen
World Meteorological Organization
Summer Olympic Games 2000 - Sydney
Pres. Yudhoyono and V Pres. Kaila
New Species found in Papua
50th Anniversary of Djuanda Declaration
50th Anniversary of Djuanda Declaration
50th Anniversary of Djuanda Declaration
200 Years of the Great Post Road
Map on cancel
200 Years of the Great Post Road
Inauguration of Suramadu Bridge
President and Vice President of The Republic of Indonesia
Map on cancel
Kepulauan Bangka Belitung Province
Indonesia - Malaysia Joint Issue
50th Anniv. Of Operation Trikora
International Stamp Exhibition INDONESIA 2012
International Stamp Exhibition INDONESIA 2012
International Stamp Exhibition AUSTRALIA 2013
International Stamp Exhibition AUSTRALIA 2013
150th anniversary of Indonesian stamps
125 years Paleoanthropology in Indonesia: Homo sapiens
100 years diplomatic service
The 4 Principles of the MPR (National Assembly)
Declaration of Independence, 75th Anniversary
Traditional Architecture of Indonesia