New Hebrides
Total of 47 map stamps issued by New Hebrides
Depicted: Vanuatu - New Hebrides
Map and fish
Inscribed with "RF" on left and "EIIR" on right.
Depicted: Vanuatu - New Hebrides
Map and fish
Inscribed with "RF" on left and "EIIR" on right against protocol.
Depicted: Vanuatu - New Hebrides
Map and fish
Inscribed with "EIIR" on left and "ER" on right.
Depicted: Vanuatu - New Hebrides
Bicent. of discovery of New Hebrides by Capt. Cook
Depicted: Vanuatu - New Hebrides
Bicent. of discovery of New Hebrides by Capt. Cook
Depicted: Vanuatu - New Hebrides
Bicent. of discovery of New Hebrides by Capt. Cook
Depicted: Vanuatu - New Hebrides
Bicent. of discovery of New Hebrides by Capt. Cook
Depicted: Vanuatu - New Hebrides
1st representative assembly
Depicted: Vanuatu - New Hebrides
1st representative assembly surch. (10f on 25f)
Depicted: Vanuatu - New Hebrides
1st representative assembly surch. (40f on 25f)
Depicted: Vanuatu - New Hebrides