Visit of Princesses Irene and Margriet
Map on cancel
40th anniv of inland airmail flights (10c)
40th anniv of inland airmail flights (20c)
40th anniv of inland airmail flights
Map on cancel
40th anniv of inland airmail flights (25c)
50th anniv of 1st census (15c)
50th anniv of 1st census (30c)
300th anniv of 1st Surinam map
125th anniv founding of Albina
1st immigrants from India
Stamp cent. Map and transportation
5th Anniversary of Independence
Samfri naar een betre toekomst (youth & future)
International Stamp Exhibition WIPA'81
Beatification of father Peter Danders
25th anniv of department of construction (25c)
25th anniv of department of construction (50c)
60th Anniversary of Scouting in Surinam
60th Anniversary of Scouting in Surinam
75th Ann. of Chamber of Commerce and Industry
25th anniv of evangelical brotherhood in Surinam
Stamp Exhibition WORLD STAMP EXPO '89 - Washington
15th anniv of independence (10c)
15th anniv of independence (60c)
15th anniv of independence (180c)
100th Anniversary of the International Volleyball
International Stamp Exhibition NVPH '98 - The Hague
40th Anniversary of Independence
40th Anniversary of the 1980 Revolution