Revenues - Povoamento Series
Revenues - Povoamento Series
Revenues - Povoamento Series
Revenues - Povoamento Series
Human rights year surch. (7½c on ½c)
Human rights year surch. (9½c on ½c)
Human rights year surch. (15c on ½c)
Human rights year surch. (28c on ½c)
Human rights year surch. (40c on ½c)
Human rights year surch. (2l on ½c)
Soil and Mechanics of Africa and Engineering Foundation
Map on cancel
5th regional engineering conf.
Map ovpt. "1974 philatelia juvenil"
Map on cancel
Solidarity with republic of Angola
Map ovpt. "Republica popular de"
ovpt. "Republica popular"
20th anniv of Angola laboratory of engineering
1st Congress of O.M.A. - Organization of Angolan Women
Ministerial Conference of Non-Aligned Countries
Railways of Luanda to Benguela
Railways of Luanda to Benguela
Railways of Luanda to Benguela
Railways of Luanda to Benguela
Pan-African Postal Union, 10th Anniversary
1st Free Elections in Angola
20th Anniversary of Independence
40th Anniv of the Popular Movement for Liberation of Angola
National Polio Vaccination Campaign
1st Ann. of Government of Unity and National Reconciliation
African Men’s Basketball Championships
25th Anniversary of National Independence
National Peace and Reconciliation
World Summit on the Information Society
41th World Roller Skate Hockey Championship
41th World Roller Skate Hockey Championship
41th World Roller Skate Hockey Championship