Ob. Tax. Return of king from Egypt
Upper left and right text intact
Ob. Tax. Return of king from Egypt
Reissued: Upper left and right text obliterated
Arabian Telecommunication Union
Arabian Telecommunication Union
Arabian Telecommunication Union
Arab renaissance day (15f)
Arab renaissance day (25f)
Arab renaissance day (35f)
Arab renaissance day (50f)
8th Congress of the Arab Telecommunications Union
8th Congress of the Arab Telecommunications Union
8th Congress of the Arab Telecommunications Union
8th Congress of the Arab Telecommunications Union
8th Congress of the Arab Telecommunications Union
Inaug. Of Dammam-Jeddah highway (1p)
Inaug. Of Dammam-Jeddah highway (2p)
Inaug. Of Dammam-Jeddah highway (3p)
Inaug. Of Dammam-Jeddah highway (4p)
Inaug. Of Dammam-Jeddah highway (10p)
10th anniv (1975) of K.S.A T.V services
25th anniv of Damman Riyadh railway
Taif-Abha-Gizan highway (20h)
Taif-Abha-Gizan highway (80h)
1400th anniv of Hegira (20h)
1400th anniv of Hegira (50h)
1400th anniv of Hegira (80h)
Telecommunications Achievements - square map and tower (80h)
50th anniv of unification of Saudi Arabia (5h)
50th anniv of unification of Saudi Arabia (10h)
50th anniv of unification of Saudi Arabia (15h)
50th anniv of unification of Saudi Arabia (20h)
50th anniv of unification of Saudi Arabia (50h)
50th anniv of unification of Saudi Arabia (65h)
50th anniv of unification of Saudi Arabia (80h)
50th anniv of unification of Saudi Arabia (115h)
50th anniv of unification of Saudi Arabia
4th Five-Year Development Plan
Self Sufficiency in Wheat Production
Mecca-Medina highway (20h)
Mecca-Medina highway (65h)
Int. Conf. history of kng Abd Al-Aziz
Inag. Of maritime cable (20h)
Inag. Of maritime cable (50h)
50th anniv of discovery of oil in Saudi-Arabia
1st anniv of disabled children's care home (50h)
1st anniv of disabled children's care home (75h)
45th Anniversary of Saudi Airlines SAUDIA
45th Anniversary of Saudi Airlines SAUDIA
45th Anniversary of Saudi Airlines SAUDIA
45th Anniversary of Saudi Airlines SAUDIA
Qualification of Saudi Arabian team to world cup football
King Abdul Aziz Research Center, 25th Anniv.
King Abdul Aziz Research Center, 25th Anniv.
King Abdul Aziz Public Library
King Abdul Aziz Public Library
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, cent.
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, cent.
1st Islamic Solidarity Games
King Abdul Aziz Centre for National Dialogue
Riyadh 50 years of Development
Riyadh Province
25th Anniversary of Janadriyah Festival
President Obama Visits Saudi Arabia
President Obama Visits Saudi Arabia
50th Anniv. of the Saudi Arabian Philatelic Society
50th Anniv. of the Saudi Arabian Philatelic Society
Map on cancel
National Day
Map-shaped letters
Dakar Rally Saudi Arabia 2020
Dakar Rally Saudi Arabia 2020
Mecca-Medina High-Speed Railway
Digital Tourism In Saudi Arabia
Initiative on Developing Future Skills
General Entertainment Authority