Northern Ireland is part of the United Kingdom No Custom Barrier
Northern Island is Part of the United Kingdom
Map ovpt. (25th anniv of Easter rising)
The Partition of Ireland is a Crime
Anti Partition Label Green & Black showing the tiny number in Ulster at the time in favour of Partition
Partition of Ireland Must End
Propaganda label - one flag - one country (2) green
Map of Ireland showing part still occupied
Propaganda label - one flag - one country (2) red
50th anniv of 1st Irish stamp
50th anniv of 1st Irish stamp
Ireland united - Gaelic and free (pro IRA label)
Cent. Of I.M.O / W.M.O (3½p)
Cent. Of I.M.O / W.M.O (12p)
Victory to the Irish Freedom Fighters
Republican Post
Sinn Fein Christmas Post
Bicent. Of Australian settlement
History of the Post
Map on booklet cover
50th anniv of Penny Black
Irish Maritime Heritage - Ovoca
Irish immigrants in the Americas (52p)
Irish immigrants in the Americas (52p)
75th Anniversary of Transatlantic Flight
Geological survey of Ireland
Tourist trophy - Irish winners
75th Anniv. of Irish Free State
Local government act 1898 (30)
Local government act 1898 (35)
Gordon Bennett Race Centenary
Gordon Bennett Race Centenary
Expansion of European Union
Error in map - Crete is highlighted instead of Cyprus
90th Anniv. of Shackleton's Antarctic Expedition
Irishmen Involved With Chilean Independence
Ice Men - Antarctic Exploration
Ice Men - Antarctic Exploration
Ice Men - Antarctic Exploration
Art On A Stamp Definitive Series
First Ordinance Survey of Ireland, Bicentenary