Cent. Of occupation of Strait of Magellan
Argentina protested that there was no indication of their control of the eastern part of the Strait of Magellan. Stamp was withdrawn a year later.
Visit of Chilean president
12th national census (1p)
12th national census (2p50)
12th national census (3p)
12th national census (4p)
World football championship (2c)
World football championship (10c)
Football World Cup, Chile 1962
FIFA World Cup 1962 - Chile
FIFA World Cup 1962 - Chile
FIFA World Cup 1962 - Chile
FIFA World Cup 1962 - Chile
FIFA World Cup 1962 - Chile
FIFA World Cup 1962 - Chile
FIFA World Cup 1962 - Chile
FIFA World Cup 1962 - Chile
Visit of Chilean president
400th anniv discovery of Juan Fernandez Archipelago
Map of Robinson Crusoe island
Cent. Of loss of Litoral department to Chile (6.50b)
Cent. Of loss of Litoral department to Chile (8b)
75th anniv of Rotary int.
2nd south American police congress
Appearance of Haley's comet
America cup football championship
Santiago - Toulouse Airmail
425th anniv discovery of Juan Fernandez Archipelago
4th natl. Freemasonry convention
Criminal Procedure Reform
160th anniv colonization of Magellan Straits
New Region of Arica and Parinacota
Irishmen Involved With Chilean Independence
Litoral Department
Bolivia's borders extend to the Pacific Ocean, as they were in1879 at the start of the "War of the Pacific" or "Saltpeter War." When the war ended in 1884, Chile had taken control of the Litoral region and Bolivia became a land locked country.
Incorporation of Easter Island into Chile
50th Ann. of the First Flight Connection Tahiti-Santiago
50th anniv. Radio Bío Bío
50th anniv. Radio Bío Bío
Vincente Perez Rosales National Park
Visit of Pope Francis to Chile
International Year of Indigenous Languages
2018 Travels of Pope Francis
2020 Solar Eclipse in Araucania
500th Anniversary of Discovery of Straits of Magellan
Chilean Postal Service, 275th anniversary
Technologies for a Sustainable Chile
Cristina Calderón, Last Living Speaker of Yaganes
Naval Hydrogrpahic & Oceanographic Service, Centenary
Chile - Easter Island
80th anniv of seizure of Easter Island (5E)
Chile - Easter Island
80th anniv of seizure of Easter Island (50c)
Chile - Easter Island
Cent. annexation of Easter Island
Chile - Easter Island
Chile - Easter Island
Easter Island
Chile - Easter Island
Easter Island
Chile - Easter Island
Air force anniversaries
Chile - Easter Island
Easter Island (pair)
Chile - Easter Island
Easter Island
Chile - Easter Island
Easter Island (set 0f 2)
Chile - Easter Island
Easter Island
Chile - Easter Island
Easter Island
Chile - Easter Island
Easter Island
Chile - Easter Island
Chile - Easter Island