Vatican city

Total of 25 map stamps issued by Vatican city

1963SG:418 Sc:370
Map stamp | Vatican city 1963 1100th anniv of conversion of Slavs
Depicted: Czechoslovakia

1100th anniv of conversion of Slavs

Map stamp | Vatican city 1964 Pope Paul's visit to India
Depicted: India

Pope Paul's visit to India

Map stamp | Vatican city 1968 Journey of Paul VI in Bogota
Depicted: Colombia

Journey of Paul VI in Bogota

1979Map on cancel
Map stamp | Vatican city 1979 Aerogramme
Depicted: Vatican city


Map on cancel

Map stamp | Vatican city 1985 St. Thomas More
Depicted: Great Britain

St. Thomas More

Map stamp | Vatican city 1985 Ratification of mod. of 1929 lateran concordat
Depicted: Italy

Ratification of mod. of 1929 lateran concordat

1986Map on cancel SG:851
Map stamp | Vatican city 1986 World Heritage
Depicted: Vatican city

World Heritage

Map on cancel

Map stamp | Vatican city 1986 World Heritage
Depicted: Vatican city

World Heritage

Map stamp | Vatican city 1989 World Journeys Pope Johannes Paulus II (50)
Depicted: Uruguay

World Journeys Pope Johannes Paulus II (50)

Uruguay, Bolivia, Peru and Paraguay

Map stamp | Vatican city 1989 World Journeys Pope Johannes Paulus II (550)
Depicted: Austria

World Journeys Pope Johannes Paulus II (550)

Map stamp | Vatican city 1989 World Journeys Pope Johannes Paulus II (800)
Depicted: Zimbabwe

World Journeys Pope Johannes Paulus II (800)

Zimbabwe, Botswana, Lesotho, Swaziland and Mozambique

Map stamp | Vatican city 1989 World Journeys Pope Johannes Paulus II (1000)
Depicted: France

World Journeys Pope Johannes Paulus II (1000)

Map stamp | Vatican city 1989 World Journeys Pope Johannes Paulus II (4000)
Depicted: Italy

World Journeys Pope Johannes Paulus II (4000)

Map stamp | Vatican city 1992 Pope's visit (500l)
Depicted: Portugal

Pope's visit (500l)

Map stamp | Vatican city 1992 Pope's visit (1000l)
Depicted: Poland

Pope's visit (1000l)

Map stamp | Vatican city 1992 Pope's visit (4000l)
Depicted: Hungary
Depicted: Poland

Pope's visit (4000l)

Map stamp | Vatican city 1992 Pope's visit (6000l)
Depicted: Brazil

Pope's visit (6000l)

Map stamp | Vatican city 2005 20 Anniversary Of The Modification Of The Agreement
Depicted: Italy

20 Anniversary Of The Modification Of The Agreement

Map stamp | Vatican city 2008 World Youth Day
Depicted: Australia

World Youth Day

Map stamp | Vatican city 2009 80th Anniversary of the Founding of Vatican City
Depicted: Vatican city

80th Anniversary of the Founding of Vatican City

Map stamp | Vatican city 2019 90th Anniversary of the Lateran Accords
Depicted: Vatican city

90th Anniversary of the Lateran Accords

Map stamp | Vatican city 2019 2018 Travels of Pope Francis
Depicted: Chile
Depicted: Peru

2018 Travels of Pope Francis

Map stamp | Vatican city 2020 Journeys of Pope Francis in 2019
Depicted: North Macedonia
Depicted: Mozambique

Journeys of Pope Francis in 2019

Map stamp | Vatican city 2021 52nd International Eucharistic Congress, Budapest
Depicted: Hungary

52nd International Eucharistic Congress, Budapest

Map stamp | Vatican city 2021 800th anniversary of the Way of St. Anthony of Padua
Depicted: Italy

800th anniversary of the Way of St. Anthony of Padua