Military Health - Help Blood Transfusion
Spanish-American war patriotic label
Issued in Barcelona
Spanish-American war patriotic label
Issued in Barcelona
Spanish-American war patriotic label
Issued in Barcelona
Viva Espana - Spanish-American war patriotic label
Issued in Madrid
25th Anniversary King Alfonso XIII
25th Anniversary King Alfonso XIII
25th Anniversary King Alfonso XIII
25th Anniversary King Alfonso XIII
25th Anniversary King Alfonso XIII
Spanish-American Exhibition, Seville
Help Catalonia
Spanish civil war
Asturias and Leon soldier mail
Anti-fascists! let's sweep away the fascists and make Spain the limelight that will illuminate the world.
Basque Country
Euskadiko Idazkitza
Falange Espanola Juventudes Obreras National
Juan of Bourbon - Juan III (10p blue)
Juan of Bourbon - Juan III (10p slate)
Juan of Bourbon - Juan III (50c)
Costa Brava Stamp Exhibition
6th flight around Catalonia
25th anniv of national uprising (80c)
25th Anniv. National Uprising
25th anniv of national uprising (5p)
Palencia Esperanto Congress
4th municipalities congress
1900th Anniv. Founding of Leon
Cent. Of Spanish geographical & survey institute
Holy Year of Compostela
Map of pilgrim routes
500th anniv of Spanish printing
Membership of council of Europe
Spain - Balearic Islands
Spanish islands (7p)
Spain - Canary Islands
Spanish islands (12p)
Catalan Culture Exhibition
Spain - Canary Islands
Stamp day
Spain - Canary Islands
Autonomy of Canary islands
Journey to Holy Land by Sister Egeria 1600th anniv.
2nd centenary of the death of Friar Junipero Serra
Admission to European Economic Community
40th anniv of Western European Union
UNESCO World Heritage - Santiago de Compostela
Official map of autonomic states
150th anniv of Spanish mining institute
Spain - Canary Islands
1st International Congress for Prevention of Occupational Risks
Ministry of development, 150th anniv.
Spain - Canary Islands
2nd International Congress for Prevention of Occupational Risks
World Sailing Championships. Cádiz
Spain - Balearic Islands
Última Hora Newspaper
Balearic Islands
Sciences of the Earth and the Universe
50th Anniversary of the E.E.C
Spain - Canary Islands
Flags & maps autonomies
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Flags & maps autonomies
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Plan for the Widening of Madrid
Plan for the Widening of Barcelona
Spain - Canary Islands
Flags & maps autonomies
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500 anniv. Conquest of Navarra
500 anniv. Conquest of Navarra
Map on cancel
150th Anniversary of Notary Act
Spain - Canary Islands
Centenary of Aviation in the Canary Islands
Spain - Canary Islands
Diario de Avisos Newspaper
Canary Islands
60th Anniversary of Spanish Television T.V.E.
The Roads of Santiago of the Northern Peninsula
The Generation of the 1990s
20th Anniversary of the Madrid Protocol on the Antarctic
Routes of Santiago del Norte : The Camino Primitivo
Spanish Engineering : The Panama Canal Expansion
Spain - Balearic Islands
EUROMED : Traditional Costumes
Balearic Islands
Solidarity : Sustainable Development
National Geographic Institute, 150th Anniversary
Routes of Santiago del Norte : Camino de Liébana
National Georgraphic Institute 150th Anniversary
Miguel López de Legazpi (c1505-1572)
Europa - Ancient Postal Routes
Canal de Castilla Meets Camino de Santiago
First Postal Map of Spain, 300th Anniversary
Inland path of the Basque Country and La Rioja
Spanish Research in the Antarctic
Celestino Fernández de la Vega, Author
Spain - Canary Islands
Eruption of Cumbra Vieja Volcano, La Palma Island, 2021
Spain - Canary Islands
Gastronomy of the Canary Islands
Gonzalo Gomez de Espinosa
Gastronomy of Extremadura
Toribio Asensio de Salazar, Explorer
Protected Foods of the Madrid Community