JUDEN POST - Anti-Semitic Caricature Stamp
Anti-Semitic propaganda stamp of unknown origin depicting two stereotypical Jews, posed to form the silhouette of a double-headed eagle, sitting astride a map of Russia. Approximate size: 54mm x 52 mm.
Russia - the first victim of communism
1st int. air post congress (10k)
1st int. air post congress (15k)
10th anniv of October revolution
10th anniv of 1st red cavalry
Airship construction fund
Aircraft ANT-9 Over Volga-Moscow Canal
First Phase of Moscow Metro Construction
"Der Ewige Jude" - The Eternal Jew exhibition
20th anniv of Wrangel's defeat at Perekop
Anti Bloshevik - ovpt. "Eastern Front"
Liberation of Russian towns
25th anniv of Soviet postal services
10th anniv of Volga-Moscow canal
Stalin's 70th birthday (3 stamps)
map on sheet
75th anniv of U.P.U (40k)
300th Anniversary of Dezhnev's Discovery of Bering Strait
75th anniv of U.P.U (50k)
Forestry and field conservancy
25th anniv of Uzbek S.S.R
130th Anniversary of the Discovery of Antarctica
Construction of Hydro-electric power stations (30k)
Construction of Hydro-electric power stations (40k)
Construction of Hydro-electric power stations (60k)
Construction of Hydro-electric power stations (1r)
10th anniv of battle of Stalingrad (40fl)
ORYuR Scouts
Anti-communist propaganda by Russia Boy Scouts
275th birth anniv of Bering
40th anniv of Russian revolution
40th anniv of Russian revolution
40th anniv Russian revolution
1st summer military games (20pf)
1st summer military games (25pf)
6th world soccer championships (40k)
6th world soccer championships (60k)
Birth cent. Of A.S. Popov
Launch of First Soviet Moon Rocket
90th anniv of Lenin (60k)
Launching of "Spacecraft 1"
Int. correspondence week (40k)
Int. correspondence week (60k)
40th anniv of state electricity plan (4k)
40th anniv of state electricity plan (10k)
Launching of Venus rocket
25th anniv of Soviet constitution
Launch of Russian Spaceships Vostok 3 and Vostok 4
"Settlers on virgin lands" - Tselinograd, Kazakhstan
"Settlers on virgin lands" - Tselinograd, Kazakhstan
40th anniv of Soviet banks (4k)
40th anniv of Soviet banks (6k)
40th anniv of "Aeroflot" (10k)
20th anniversary of the â€Battle of Stalingrad
Second "team" manned space flight
40th anniv of "Aeroflot" (12k)
40th anniv of "Aeroflot" (16k)
45th anniv of Red Army and war heroes
Opening of int. post office
First Three-manned Space Flight
National cosmonautics day (4k)
National cosmonautics day (12k)
National cosmonautics day (16k)
70th Anniversary of A. S. Popov's Radio Inventions
History of Russian post office
History of Russian post office
History of Russian post office (2k)
History of Russian post office
History of Russian post office (6k)
History of Russian post office (16k)
Barguzin nature reserve (4k)
Barguzin nature reserve (6k)
Fish Resources of Lake Baikal
Fish Resources of Lake Baikal
Fish Resources of Lake Baikal
Fish Resources of Lake Baikal
Fish Resources of Lake Baikal
23rd Soviet communist party congress (4k) (brown)
23rd Soviet communist party congress (4k) (blue)
23rd Soviet communist party congress (4k) (red)
23rd Soviet communist party congress (4k) (red)
23rd Soviet communist party congress (4k) (green)
Map and Kremlin - small (1k) brown
25th Anniversary of Battle of Moscow
Soviet far eastern territories (1k)
Soviet far eastern territories (2k)
50th anniv of October revolution
50th Anniversary of the October Revolution
35th anniv of Komsomolsk-on-Amur
Cedar valley nature reserve
50th Anniv. October Revolution
Cosmic Message Delivery System "Orbita"
25th anniv of Byelorussian liberation
Lenin explaining GOERLO ovpt.
Soviet Automatic Station "Luna-16"
Captive Nations Week - Freedom!
Issued by the European League for the Defense of Freedom and the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations.
Soviet science & technology days (3 values)
Posts and Telecommunications Conf.
30th anniv of relief of Leningrad
30th anniv of battle of Kursk
Soviet-American co-operation in space
Co-operation in Space USA-USSR
Space Flight of "Soyuz-19" and "Apollo"
1980 Olympic games, Moscow
Sputnik satellites orbiting globe
History of Russian Aircraft
History of Russian Aircraft
History of Russian Aircraft
XXII Summer Olympic Games in Moscow
Olympic Games Moscow 1980
Construction Projects of the 10th Five Year Plan
Baikal-Amur Railroad
"Ekran" television satellite
60th anniv of U.S.S.R (1r)
World Communications Year
Geological Congress
Completion of Baikal-Amur Railway
50th Anniversary of Chelyuskin's Voyage
End of WWII 40th anniv.
Battle of Kursk map
End of WWII 40th anniv.
Battle of Stalingrad map
Liberation from German Forces, 40th anniv.
68th Anniversary of October Revolution
Opening of East Germany - U.S.S.R railway ferry
27th communist party congress
70th Anniversary of Russian Revolution
In memory of Poles deported to Russia
Katin massacre
The Katyn Forest Massacre - mass execution of about 20,0000 Polish nationals carried out by the Soviet secret police NKVD under the orders of Joseph Stalin and the Soviet Politburo in April-May 1940.
The victims were murdered in the Katyn Forest in Russia, the Kalinin and Kharkov prisons and elsewhere. About 8,000 were officers taken prisoner during the 1939 Soviet invasion of Poland, 6,000 police officers, with the rest being Polish intelligentsia arrested for allegedly being "intelligence agents, gendarmes, landowners, saboteurs, factory owners, lawyers, officials and priests."
Nazi Germany announced the discovery of mass graves in the Katyn Forest in 1943. The revelation led to the end of diplomatic relations between Moscow and the London based Polish government-in-exile. The Soviet Union continued to deny responsibility for the massacres until 1990, when it officially acknowledged and condemned the perpetration of the killings by the NKVD.
Ovpt. "Space post" in Russian
3rd council for mutual economic aid meeting
U.S-Soviet Bering bridge expedition
Cent. Of Trans-Siberian railway (120f)
Cent. Of Trans-Siberian railway (240f)
Inaug. Of Denmark-Russia submarine cable
300th Anniversary of Russian Navy
300th Anniversary of Russian Navy
Nicolae Milescu - spatarul
100th Birthday of the Marshal M.V. Sakharov
Fish in lake Peipus - map on label between 2 stamps
Declaration of State soverignity - Map and arms (5r)
Europa-2001. Water - Natural Treasure. Baikal
60th Anniversary of Moscow Battle
Visit of Kim Jong II to Russia
100 Years of the Trans-Siberian Railway
Kamchatka Peninsula Volcanoes
60th Anniversary of Stalingrad Battle
60th Anniversary of Kursk Battle
Virgin Forests of Komi Republic
60th Anniversary of Soviet Army Offensive in 1944
275th Birth Anniversary of Ekatherina II
End of world war II, 60th Anniv.
Battle of Kursk
70th Anniversary of Moscow Metro
Lighthouse of Svyatonossky
Lighthouses of Barentsevo and Beloe Sea.
15th Anniversary of Federation Council of Russia
Nuclear Ice-Breaker Lenin
World Cultural Heritage. Solovetsky Islands
20th Anniversary of the Commonwealth of Independent States
40th death anniv. of Nikita Khrushchev
Battle of Kursk
Map is in Vietnamese for some reason.
250th Anniversary of Birth of M.B.Barclay de Tolly
100th Anniv. M.M.Raskova (1912-1943), Aviatress
Construction completion of the "Nord Stream" Gas Pipeline
500th Anniv. of Russia Regular Service of Borders Protection
Coat of Arms of Penza region
Communications Satellite "Express-AM"
XXII Olympic Winter Games 2014 in Sochi. Olympic Torch Relay
Coat of Arms of Yaroslavl region
20th Anniv. of Federation Council of RF Federal Assembly
20th Anniv. of State Duma of RF Federal Assembly
70th anniversary of the liberation from Nazi troops
Brusilov Offensive, History of WWI
Osowiec Fortress, History of WWI
Russian Expeditionary Force in France, History of WWI
Erzurum Offensive, History of WWI
Coat of Arms of Krasnodar region
Coat of Arms of Tver region
Coat of Arms of Kostroma region
2018 World Cup Soccer in Russia
25th Anniversary of Commonwealth of Independent States
75th Anniversary of the Battle of Moscow
The Republic of Ingushetia
20 years of the Russian Federation's accession to the Council of Europe
International News Agency "Russia Today". 75th anniv.
75th anniv. Battle of Moscow
Football World Cup - Russia 2018
European Soccer Championship
The Republic of Ingushetia
Institute for Human Rights in Russia
70th anniversary beginning of cold war
70th anniversary beginning of cold war
Kola Peninsula
2018 FIFA World Football Cup, Russia
140th Anniversary of the Russo-Turkish War of 1878
The Generation of the 1990s
Russia 2018 World Cup Football
Russia 2018 World Cup Football
World Chess Championship 2018
Stalinist People's Commissars-2
300th Anniversary of State Mining Regulation
75th Anniversary of the Battle of Kursk
GOELRO Plan, 100th anniversary
GOELRO Plan, 100th anniversary
I. Turkenich
75th anniversary of the Victory in the Second World War
Igor Levterov
75th anniversary of the Victory in the Second World War
VI Chuikov
75th anniversary of the Victory in the Second World War
Republic of Tatarstan with Commemorative Overprint
Russian Geographic Society, 175th Anniversary
250th Anniversary of Ingushetia in Russia
Europa - Ancient Postal Routes
Referendum on Constitutional Amendments 2020
Map of Russia can be seen under UV light
80th Anniversry of Operation Barbarossa
Commonwealth of Independent States, 30th Anniversary
Lighthouse at Tsypnavolok
National Projects of Russia : Digital Economy
Russia in Council of Europe 25th Anniversary
Kaliningrad Oblast, 75th Anniversary
80th anniv the Battle of Stalingrad
Airship USSR W6 Osoaviakhim
80th Anniversary of Operation Uranus
Legend of Soviet intelligence Sudoplatov P. A.
In memoriam of Mikhail Gorbachev
80th Anniversary of the Battle of Moscow
80th Anniversary of the Battle of Moscow
In Memoriam of Mikhail Gorbachev
80th anniv. to end of the Battle of Moscow
80th anniv. Operation Uranus
80th Anniversary of the End of the Battle of Moscow
80th Anniversary of the End of the Battle of Moscow
Eurasian Economic Commission, Tenth Anniversary
Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra Arms and Map
80th anniv Battle of Moscow
300th Anniversary of the city of Perm
Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense
10 Years of War in Ukraine
The Sinking of the Russian Patrol Vessel Sergey Kotov
The Sinking of the Russian Patrol Vessel Sergey Kotov
Beriev-A50 joins Cruiser Moskva
450th Anniversary of the City of Ufa - surch 120 on 80
Inauguration of the President of the Russian Federation
80th Anniversary of the Battle of Kursk
80th Anniversary of the Battle of Kursk
The Sinking of the Russian Missile Boat Ivanovets